Thursday 21 July 2011

Day Twenty Two...

Harry Potter World! Yay!! We had to get up early which i hate doing on my days off but its worth it for Harry. We went on this really cute old fashioned bus to get to universal which played old 50's songs. When we got dropped off we had to walk for what felt like 10 hours!!! It was definatly the hottest day so far. We went on the Hulk ride straight away and i was just thinking wow this is such a good way to spend the summer haha. We spent the morning in Marvel which i love! Went on the Spiderman ride which is a simulation and they're amazing here. So advanced. Usually i find simulations boring at home. We went on Popeyes rapids and got literally so soaked that me and marianne went and brough matching animal print dresses, so we were looking a treat.
We watched Sinbad's stunt show and in the afternoon went to Harry Potter World! Its so cool, it looks exactly like the movie! I love it. The Forbidden Journey ride is literally the best ride ive ever been on. Its half simulation and half real ride. Its so scary, all the creatures come right up to your face! I had to close my eyes for the end which is embarrasiing. We went to Zonko's joke shop, i brought a pumpkin juice, a cauldren cake and we ate dinner at the three broomsticks and i had soup and a butterbear. Best day ever!

Day Twenty and Twenty One...

In the evening I had my first night out in America. A few people from work went to House of Blues and it was amazing. I'd heard loads of good and bad stuff about it but i loved the music and seriously want all of it on my ipod! Would love to come here with everyone from England and obvs would be better if i was over 21 seeing as they get in free and get certain cocktails for free! So unfair :(
The next evening a few of us from work went to Applebees for dinner. Which was nice. Im always so tired after work though i dont have the energy to do anything! The veggi pizza is yum tho and i had some of everyone's dessert (im that annoying person) and they re amazing!! I have a new obsession for brownie.

Friday 15 July 2011

Day Nineteen...

So i set my alarm accidently for half 7 at night. So pooed myself when i woke up at 2 minutes past 9 and i was supposed to be at work at 9. Managed to get ready mega fast though and get to work for 9.45. Absolute miracle! Work went by really fast, with being late i only working 5 hours so i was free at 3 oclock :) I went for a burger at Pollo Campero which im getting really addicted to. Then after being told i have to try the ice cream shop in Downtown Disney i went to get one but made some massive rookie errors. Got two scoops instead of one and went way over the top with the extra toppings. I had cookies and cream ice cream with butterscotch, hot fudge and whipped cream. It was nice but i though i was gunna be sick by half way through. Ended up having to throw half away so was a massive ice cream let down!
When i got in Emma wanted to go for a meal. I felt like i was gunna be sick with fullness but i havnt managed to meet up with her much. We went to Applebees which was fun the froze lemonade is so yum!! Frozen lemonade is my new favourite drink and ill miss it when im back in England. By the time we left though i felt like i was about to die id eaten so much food!

Day Eighteen...

I had to get up at half 5 this morning!!! So i could go get my social security number. I actually got ready surprisingly fast though and was at the bus stop for 10 to six to make sure i got on the first bus so i could be back earlier. It only took about 10 minutes to process the application so i was back by half 8. After a nice nap i went out to sunbath again before work. I love starting late cuz i get time to lie in and sunbath :). On the way to work though we were caught on the edge of a tornado! And there was literally a huge downpour and i was walking to work in it! The roads were flooded and my shoes were coming off trying to wade through the water. When i got to work i was literally dripping. I waited for it to at least slow down but then i had to walk back to costuming to get another outfit!
I was pixie dusting at work till 10 but it was actually so fun. The best part of the job! All the little girls were so cute! I got so carried away i did it till quater past ten for free.

Day Sixteen and Seventeen...

Not much to say about these days apart from i was having a bad week! My laptop broke when i was trying to watch Rapunsel. So now i cant skype :( and i have to use my room mates to go on facebook. Also i really sunburnt my face so i looklike an idiot whos constantly embarrassed. And i was lying on one side when i was tanning my back so one cheek is really burnt and the other is fine!

Day Fifteen...

Today was sooooo boring. Ive enjoyed having four days off in a row but when no one else has a day off at the same time it gets really dull. So i just went back out to the pool for a while and generally hung round. I was having such a bad day aswell. I lost two keys!! One when i was carrying it too the pool. Then turned a deck chair round and suddenly it was gone and then other when i went to get a drink from the vending machine and suddenly the new one was gone! (but that was later found :/) so i had to pay for two new keys.
In the evening three of us went to Hollywood studios to watch the 4th July fireworks there. We went on tower of terror and rock'n'rollacoaster aswell which is my favourite ride ever cuz its amazing. The fireworks were so good. They had a band playing at the same time altough i didnt really like the music. And of course i wore my hat again. Afterwards we watched Fantasmic which was amazing. I dont remember ever seeing it before but it was brilliant. I love the shows more than watching the fireworks cuz im getting abit bored of fireworks now.

Day Fourteen...

So i went back to the Outlet mall again! I'm officially obsessed with Papaya. I love it! Then i wanted to get a giraffe tshirt from animal kingdom so i thought i might aswell just pop over on my day off. It is absoultly boiling in Animal Kingdom. You cant even breath. Apparently its because Animal Kingdom is built in a dip to keep all the heat in for the animals but i was just a walking ball of sweat! I got my tshirt then i thought i might aswell get a bit of food. So sat eating a pizza watching the parade on my own. Then i thought i might aswell have a go on dinosaur while im here. So i went on that on my own. Haha. It was quite a funny day. It wasnt too bad queing for a ride on your own until you get to the front and the woman asks how many and you have to say one.! That ride is so scary aswell, i had to close my eye for most of it cuz i didnt wanna be sat screaming on my own.
In the evening we went to see the 4th July fireworks at Magic Kingdom. I wore y special 4th of July hat which was fun but i was definatly the only person wearing anything with the american flag on. The fireworks were good but i thought they were definatly over rated and like the epcot ones more. Afterwards we went to the Wilderness Lodge resort and watched Princess Diaries on a big screen on the beach in deck chairs. It was like in a movie!!

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Day Thirteen...

I got up early again to go to the pool and sunbathe but this time i mega burned. Its so annoying i never tan all i do is burn! In the afternoon i decided to go to the outlet mall and have a look around for something to do cuz everyone else was at work. At first i though it was rubbish but then i found Papaya!! THE best shop ever! I literally loved everything in there! I was embarrassed of myself carrying round a huge pile of clothes. I had to hold myself back but still spent a lot in there but i love the clothes! I can tell i gunna get addicted to that shop.
In the evening we went to Cicis an all you can eat pizza buffet which i was loving cuz pizza is one of my favourite foods. Id love to live in Italy. All the sprinklers in the street were turned on by the time we went home so that was fun! When we got in we watched a movie called Diary of a Wimpy Kid before heading to bed.

Day Twelve...

Days ten and eleven pretty much went the same as day nine but instead of doing something exciting like Cirque in the evening i usually fell asleep about 6 and sleep through till work time the next day.
Friday was my first of four days off and i was so excited. Cuz i was in the habit though i still woke up early so went down to the pool to sunbath. Its really nice there in the morning cuz theres no one around so no one to judge how pale i am. I was so so happy when i got the tiniest white marks ever so hopefully i will actually tan.
Me and Marianne went on an intense Walmart shop in the evening and we both got really carried away and spent nearly $100 and brought stupid things like plug in vanilla air fresheners. I got extremely excited though cuz i found the American quorn brand and brought 7 different ready meals!
We all went to Epcot in the evening, i love the world showcase and all the countries but all anyone ever says is epcots the worst part. I had a crepe with ice cream while we watched our friend who was dressed as Beast. Then everyone decided they wanted to dinner so we went to England to eat :) Most the buildings look ridiculous and nothing like England but the pub is really realistic and reminded me so much of home. We chatted to the english waiters and i had chips and mushy peas. I miss mushy peas!! I was so full though i thought i was gunna be sick! We went on Mission Space but the milder one which wasnt even scary at all. And then Maelstrom a very tame boat ride haha. So was a chilled evening. We watched the illuminations fireworks which are my favourite so far. All the countries light up and a massive gloge pays videos of the countries on it before breaking open and it has fire in the middle.

Monday 4 July 2011

Day Nine...

So today the 6am starts began! I had to wake up at half 4 to get the bus at 5! It was so horrible. The first morning i wasn't used to it at all so I felt sick! I was nervous about meeting my trainer cuz a few of the girls had said she was horrible but she turned out to be really nice, just abit annoying sometimes. The job was boring. I was on stock training yawn! But the time passed pretty quickly. It was annoying at lunch it felt like everyone spoke spanish and they'd just speak it to eachother and I was just the idiot in the corner that can only speak english. I really want to learn another language now. I have attempted to learn french at least 10 times now though and that never went very far. Theres only one other english girl in the boutique, she's really nice. She invited me to come watch Cirque de Soliel with her and her friends that night, I was so tired I just wanted to nap! But I went to be sociable and our 50% discount was ending at the end of June (2 days). We all got dressed up and typical it chucked it down with rain so the photos were a treat. We ate dinner at House of Blues, which i didnt even realise we were in! I had a veggi burger with sweet potato chips. Yum.
Cirque de Soliel was literally amazing. There was so much to look at, it was mind blowing. The best part was three little chinease girls that looked about 10, doing the diablo. There were doing flips and tricks whilst doing it though and it was the most amazing show ive ever seen. Really glad i went in the end even though i was almost falling asleep