Friday 15 July 2011

Day Nineteen...

So i set my alarm accidently for half 7 at night. So pooed myself when i woke up at 2 minutes past 9 and i was supposed to be at work at 9. Managed to get ready mega fast though and get to work for 9.45. Absolute miracle! Work went by really fast, with being late i only working 5 hours so i was free at 3 oclock :) I went for a burger at Pollo Campero which im getting really addicted to. Then after being told i have to try the ice cream shop in Downtown Disney i went to get one but made some massive rookie errors. Got two scoops instead of one and went way over the top with the extra toppings. I had cookies and cream ice cream with butterscotch, hot fudge and whipped cream. It was nice but i though i was gunna be sick by half way through. Ended up having to throw half away so was a massive ice cream let down!
When i got in Emma wanted to go for a meal. I felt like i was gunna be sick with fullness but i havnt managed to meet up with her much. We went to Applebees which was fun the froze lemonade is so yum!! Frozen lemonade is my new favourite drink and ill miss it when im back in England. By the time we left though i felt like i was about to die id eaten so much food!

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