Monday 4 July 2011

Day Nine...

So today the 6am starts began! I had to wake up at half 4 to get the bus at 5! It was so horrible. The first morning i wasn't used to it at all so I felt sick! I was nervous about meeting my trainer cuz a few of the girls had said she was horrible but she turned out to be really nice, just abit annoying sometimes. The job was boring. I was on stock training yawn! But the time passed pretty quickly. It was annoying at lunch it felt like everyone spoke spanish and they'd just speak it to eachother and I was just the idiot in the corner that can only speak english. I really want to learn another language now. I have attempted to learn french at least 10 times now though and that never went very far. Theres only one other english girl in the boutique, she's really nice. She invited me to come watch Cirque de Soliel with her and her friends that night, I was so tired I just wanted to nap! But I went to be sociable and our 50% discount was ending at the end of June (2 days). We all got dressed up and typical it chucked it down with rain so the photos were a treat. We ate dinner at House of Blues, which i didnt even realise we were in! I had a veggi burger with sweet potato chips. Yum.
Cirque de Soliel was literally amazing. There was so much to look at, it was mind blowing. The best part was three little chinease girls that looked about 10, doing the diablo. There were doing flips and tricks whilst doing it though and it was the most amazing show ive ever seen. Really glad i went in the end even though i was almost falling asleep

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