Thursday 25 August 2011

Day Fourty Nine...

Me and Christina had our day of fun today ha. We went to Animal Kingdom and got our picture with Stitch. Only really cuz i wanted to make my friend at home jealous. We watched its Tough to be a bug and the Lion King show which was cool but i hate it when people do acrobatics cuz it makes me nervous.
In the evening we went to an Epcot cast member movie night. We basically only went for the free food and when we turned up there were only two other people in the room! Loads more people ended up coming later and the whole night was just weird and funny. Americans are so over enthusiastic! We entered a competition to win prizes which i though they d just pull from a hat but turns out you had to go to the front and tell everyone your favourite magical moment on a microphone!! As soon as they sed this person works with hair i was crying inside! Haha. It was a trauma and i only won an XXL t shirt which ill probs throw away. Christina won a Segway tour of Epcot though which im sooo excited for :D We ate popcorn, tried the pizza which was horrible, watched tangled and then went home to bed.

Day Fourty Eight...

Tonight we went to Raglan Road which is the Irish pub in Downtown Disney. Its owned by Irish people, the bar was imported from Ireland and the chef has cooked for U2 and the Queen. Just a few facts i read off the back of the menu. They have irish dancer on a stage in there aswell and ive asked christina to teach me irish dancing so i can break it out when ever Bewitched comes on in the Boutique. I ordered risotto which was so nice and a side of chips cuz i miss nice fat english chips and have come to hate french fries!! After the meal Mariannes suggests (bad decision) that we should go i hop for pancakes. So we get over there, all order our pancakes, i had the blueberry ones, and after about four mouthfuls we're all delirious cuz we're so full and feel sick. It was so funy we all just went histerical for some reason, marianne looked like she was gunna cry and we tried to force as much of the pancakes down as possible. We ended up taking most of it away though, not that i ever wanna eat those things again.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Day Fourty Six...

I had the day off on my own today so i probs seem like abit of a loser from what i was doing but i dont care cuz i dont wanna waste my days off! I did pool morning to try and keep the none existent tan going. Then skyped my dear parents for a while before going to downtown to get my charicature done. Its really weird cuz hes chatting away to you but im trying to stay still and pose so he can see what my face looks like! Then I went and did loads of shopping and got my pay card declined a day after pay day! How embarassing! It was all on presents for my family though and at least ive got them all now. Then i went and watched Friends with Benefits and for some reason im now obsessed with Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis and want to be both of them! Haha. Love that film and was a pretty chilled day on my own..

Day Fourty Five...

Went to Magic Kingdom today cuz it was Kaylas last day :( sad. Ive hardly done anything in Mk for some reason so it was a good day for ticking things off the list. We had photos taken outside the castle which are so cute and had a picture where we are holding our hands out and then the photoshop Tinkerbell in like we re holding her. Mandy took the photopass card for that though so who knows whether ill ever see those photos. We went in Philarmagic, which is a 3D show and it was amazing. I feel like a little kid! We did Haunted mansion aswell which isnt amazing but i love little chilled rides. I always think rides are too short though. After queing for ages i just wanna sit down in the air con for an hour for a rest! Snow white was a really cute ride untill they stopped the ride probs to let a disabled person on which is fine. But they turned all the lights on. And when the ride started again they obviously forgot to turn them back off so that ruined the magic!
Most evenings consist of the usual, me and marianne have brought the entire magazine collection from Walgreens and just go through those. Im running out of new ones to read though!

Day Fourty One...

Tonight was such a trauma! Pre drinks at Christinas was fun which was so funny and actually seriously hard! Even though it looks easy! Im so unflexible! Then we went to House of Blues. I love it there and we were having such a good night until i got thrown out for holding an alcoholic drink!! I was so anoyed your not even allowed to touch alcohol. It drives me mad cuz im used to being able to drink at home so it feels like being 17 again! I was really stressed aswell that id get terminated for it! So that night ended up rubbish. Got some good photos though and i seem to be in most of them although im sure i was only there for half an hour.

Day Fourty...

Tonight we had film night and ordered a dominoes. I miss dominoes in England! I love it too much. They didnt have the garlic and herb base so i was devasted! Ha. The pizza was amazing though and we scoffed it down and watched tarzan. I love my Dominoes baby!

Day Thirty Nine...

Today was so funny. We went to Typhoon Lagoon for 'Massive Friday' (cuz we all had the same day off) The whole day was literally hilarious. My back was bright red from where id burnt it in the morning sun bathing with the tanning oil :/ we went on the rapids and all the big slides. We went on the lazy river where everyone in the river suddendly joined onto eachother and made a train. I was stuck rammed against the wall on the wrong side of the train but eventually joined on the end. Americans are very friendly with eachother. The best bit of the day was the wave pool. I lost my sunglasses in there which was a burden. The wave literally swooshed them off my face and i didnt even notice they were gone. It was so funny in there though. The first wave we were really near the back, basically not even in the pool but it was so powerful it knocked me and marianne off our feet. I was just rolling away and it was scratching my back but i couldnt get up! We had a photo pass photo taken in there aswell and got knocked over then and went flying into the woman. At one point we all fell over together and ended up in some kind of ball and were all being washed away together.
In the evening we went to Beaches and Cream to attempt the kitchen sink of ice cream. Some of it was disgusting like there was coffee ice cream and peanut butter sauce! I was determined to finish it and even strawed it at the end which was rank. We did it though. Go team!