Monday 1 August 2011

Day Twenty Four...

Today we went to Sea World. It was such a hot day. I think one of the hottest so far. I could barely walk from each attraction to the next. We went on Manta first which is like Air in England where they lift you up so your facing the ground. It was so scary. I cant decide whether i liked it or not cuz of the way you were sat you were so close to everything we past so i had to close my eyes. Then we went to Journey to Atlantis and the que was soooo long and outside! So it was boiling and horrible. That was a nice chill ride though with a lil rollercoaster at the end. I love boat rides. We went to look around some of the animals before going to Shamu. It was such a cool show but there was a lot less tricks in it than i remember, mostly just splashing the audience. Afterwards we went on Kracken which was amazing. I love that ride! I remember going on it 7 times in a row when we came we i was 10. For dinner we went to a really cool restaurant where the whole wall is an aquarium which big sharks in it so you see then swimming past as you eat. I had an old fave of mine and annas. Brushetta! It was so good. Our final trip was to the seal show which was really cute and funny. They had a mime at the front at the start who just took the mick out of the guests as they sat down. Also at the end i thought a sea lion was a really obese seal lol.

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