Thursday 25 August 2011

Day Fourty Eight...

Tonight we went to Raglan Road which is the Irish pub in Downtown Disney. Its owned by Irish people, the bar was imported from Ireland and the chef has cooked for U2 and the Queen. Just a few facts i read off the back of the menu. They have irish dancer on a stage in there aswell and ive asked christina to teach me irish dancing so i can break it out when ever Bewitched comes on in the Boutique. I ordered risotto which was so nice and a side of chips cuz i miss nice fat english chips and have come to hate french fries!! After the meal Mariannes suggests (bad decision) that we should go i hop for pancakes. So we get over there, all order our pancakes, i had the blueberry ones, and after about four mouthfuls we're all delirious cuz we're so full and feel sick. It was so funy we all just went histerical for some reason, marianne looked like she was gunna cry and we tried to force as much of the pancakes down as possible. We ended up taking most of it away though, not that i ever wanna eat those things again.

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