Friday 5 August 2011

Day Thirty Four..

I had to be at work for 6 am today! Burden! It reminds me of the horrible training days! Thankfully ive learnt to handle them better now. I just put the radio on now and have a dance around. After work finally finished me and julie went to Rainforest Cafe to attempt the Volcano. This desert made of brownies and ice cream and whipped cream and chocolate sauce. I was hungry and thought id end up eating it all and julie would have a mouthful. As it turns out its pretty massive and really sickly! We only managed two thirds between us and i thought i was gunna be sick if i had another mouthful.
I went home for a good nap and we went to House of Blues in the evening. I seriously love the music there! I dont think anyone else loves it as much as i do. It was a good night sipping my water! Met loads of random people in the smoking area and on the way back on the bus a french guy started chanting and got naked! Dunno what that was all about. Also i felt soooo hungry i thought i was gunna be sick! Ive never felt so hungry in my life :/

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