Tuesday 9 August 2011

Day Fourty Six...

I had the day off on my own today so i probs seem like abit of a loser from what i was doing but i dont care cuz i dont wanna waste my days off! I did pool morning to try and keep the none existent tan going. Then skyped my dear parents for a while before going to downtown to get my charicature done. Its really weird cuz hes chatting away to you but im trying to stay still and pose so he can see what my face looks like! Then I went and did loads of shopping and got my pay card declined a day after pay day! How embarassing! It was all on presents for my family though and at least ive got them all now. Then i went and watched Friends with Benefits and for some reason im now obsessed with Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis and want to be both of them! Haha. Love that film and was a pretty chilled day on my own..

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