Tuesday 9 August 2011

Day Thirty Eight...

Today was such a productive day well done me! I got up early and booked my flight to California in September so thats done now, ready to go :) I went to Walgreens then me and Marianne encouraged eachother (bad idea) to go to the outlet mall. I was so good though i was proud of myself. I had tunnel vision. I only brought the jeans in the sale i wanted and a jumper. Then we went for our Epcot day which i was literally so excited about cuz we were going for lunch in England! Yay. I had vegetarian cottage pie and a side of english chips. It so amazing,nicer than actual english food! Oh waiter was from London so we chatted to him for abit aswell and it was really nice. Then we went and did a few rides so we ve done most of them in Epcot now including the Figment ride which is genuinly the weirdest thing ive ever been on. The whole time i was just in shock cuz i had no idea what was going on and it was like something a guy on drugs had created! In the evening we ended up randomly going to the Polynesian just because Christina was hungry. I got a pinapple ice cream and we sat on watched the fireworks on the beach for literally 2 seconds but at least now i can say i've done it.

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